Creating the Perfect Morning Routine
Rise and shine! Establishing a strong morning routine can help you ease out of bed a little easier and start your day on the right note. Even if you’re not a morning person, you can apply some of these tips to an afternoon refresh or whenever you are feeling a little less motivated. It’s all about taking what calls to you and applying it in a way that works for your body and your routine!
Hydration Station
It’s important to stay hydrated, and we are certainly guilty of not drinking as much water as we should throughout the day. It’s a great idea to start hydrating early in the morning, especially to get you into the habit of drinking more water. If you are a coffee person, try drinking a glass or two of water as your coffee is brewing. If it helps you remember, you can keep a glass or tumbler of water ready on your bedside table so it’s right there when you wake up.
Move Your Body
Movement can help you get going in the right direction for your day, so think about what kind of exercise or body movement you could incorporate into your morning routine. If you are eager and ready to get moving, running or going to the gym is a great way to get the blood flowing. If you prefer a more gentle morning, try a slow yoga class on YouTube or take a walk outside.
Squeaky Clean
Washing your face is a simple task you can incorporate into your routine to help you wake up and feel refreshed. When you’ve washed your face with your favorite cleanser, you can use a few sprays of our Rose Water Elixir to soothe the skin and then our Easy Glowin’ Face Oil to hydrate the skin.
Write It Down
There are many ways to incorporate journaling into a morning routine. Setting intentions or goals is a great way to highlight what you would like to get done, in addition to recording all of your to-do’s. Practicing gratitude can be done at any time of the day, especially if you’ve already found things to be grateful for in the first couple of hours. If you enjoy meditating in the morning, record how you felt, what ideas came to mind, and anything else you may find helpful in your journey.
The Day Awaits
Creating a morning routine isn’t about following anyone’s aesthetic or trying to create perfection. It’s about listening to your body, going with the flow of your day, and doing what in those moments. Every day is and can be different, so establishing a general routine you can stick to can help you even on the hardest days. Find what works best for you and your lifestyle, and enjoy the mornings for what you can make them become.