How to Unwind After A Long Day
After a long day, sometimes there’s nothing better than running home, putting on comfy clothes, and hanging in for the night. If you find that you have a hard time shutting off your brain and enjoying time with your loved ones, here are a few of our favorite ways to relax and tune in to the present moment.
Shower the Day Away
Water can be a great way to physically and metaphorically wash the day away. While you’re in the shower, imagine all your worries or stresses from the day previously melting away and going down the drain. The act of showering and scrubbing your body can also act in this way. Plus, a warm shower can be just the thing to kick off your relaxing evening.
Get Comfortable
Once you’re all ready for the evening, put on some of your comfiest clothes. This could be a matching set or a go-to pair of sweatpants. As long as it’s cozy and you feel comfortable in what you’re wearing, that’s all that matters.
Incorporate Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a great way to incorporate self-care into your relaxing routine. Aromatherapy involves relying on the scents from herbs and flowers to provide therapeutic benefits to the mind and body. Using a mist like our Clear Mind™ is a great way to help you focus on the task at hand, or to use Clear Skies Ahead™ to help you release stress.
Enjoy a Quiet Moment
Whether it’s while you are getting dressed after your shower or spending a dedicated five minutes meditating, enjoying a quiet moment can help you focus on the present moment. So often we come home from a long day and it’s hard to shut our brains off. Taking a few deep breaths and tuning into the present can allow you to focus on your life at home rather than bringing work home with you.
Take On a Hobby
Practicing a hobby is a great way to help you focus on something you truly enjoy. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, drawing, or even putting a puzzle together, spending time doing something that makes your heart happy can end the day on a positive note.