All About Libra
It’s officially Libra season! Grab your favorite Libra, celebrate, and tune into the harmonious energy that this next month brings. Libra is a sign of balance, making this month the perfect time to determine what is out of balance in your life and establish stepping stones to help you find more harmony in your day-to-day routine. This sign is also drawn to the beauty around them, so take some mindful moments to reflect on the changing of the seasons and how it makes you feel. What does your world look like now? What is beautiful to you?
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Element: Air
Symbol: The Scales
House: Seventh House
Planetary Ruler: Venus
This air sign embodies the qualities of being a strong leader and is able to communicate efficiently with those around them. They remain level-headed in conversations, making them eager to look at both sides of an argument before reaching a conclusion. They are sociable and thrive in the company of others.
Libra is one of the cardinal signs, marking the beginning of a new season. In this case, it marks the official beginning of autumn! This cardinal influence on Libras makes them great leaders and even diplomats.
Libra rules the Fifth House, or the house of pleasure. Touching again on that idea of beauty, this sign is drawn to what makes them feel good. This could be exploring a museum and admiring the art, attending a music festival, and even indulging in an exciting new hobby. The Fifth House also makes Libras quite the romantic sign. Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra, again correlating with all things beauty and love. This planetary relationship also shows its influence in the graceful and harmonious aspects of this sign.